Personal, social and health education

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 3 health, safety and security knowledge organiser
A set of 2 knowledge organisers with all criteria and key words needed for unit 3. One is blank with a space for learners to complete, and one is already completed

Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care Unit 1 Building positive relationships
A range of ppts and checklists to support full teaching of Unit 1: Building positive relationships in HSC

Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care Unit 13 Sexual health, reproductio and early development
A full range of resources for teaching Unit 13 Sexual health, reproduction and early development stages

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 2 Equality, diversity and rights knowledge organiser
A set of 2 knowledge organisers with all criteria and key words needed for unit 2. One is blank with a space for learners to complete, and one is already completed

Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care Unit 10 Nutrition for health
A range of resources to fully teach Unit 10 Nutrition for health

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 1 Building positive relationships knowledge organiser
A set of 2 knowledge organisers with all criteria and key words needed for unit 1. One is blank with a space for learners to complete, and one is already completed

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 10 nutrition for health knowledge organiser
A set of 2 knowledge organisers with all criteria and key words needed for unit 10. One is blank with a space for learners to complete, and one is already completed

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 13 Sexual Health knowledge organiser
A set of 2 knowledge organisers with all criteria and key words needed for unit 13. One is blank with a space for learners to complete, and one is already completed

Online relationships, the dangers of social media and image sharing
A resource designed for year 12 tutor time on online relationships and friendships, the dangers of social media and risks of image sharing.
This is designed for 4x30 minute sessions but can be adapted

Families and relationships
Families tutor resources based on the DfE statutory guidance for RSE
Covers the roles and responsibilities of parents, characteristics of good parenting, how to determine whether others are trustworthy and recognising unsafe relationships
Includes ppt and booklet
Aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for older/ younger

Families and relationships
Families tutor resources based on the DfE statutory guidance for RSE
Covers what are stable relationships, how do stable relationships bring about happiness, what marriage is and why marriage should be entered through choice
Includes ppt and booklet
Aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for older/ younger

The impact of binge drinking and drug use and danger of spiking
A set of tutor time resources based around the effects of alcohol, binge drinking, and how to protect yourself from spiking
This resource is aimed at post 16 and is split into 4x 30 minute tutor time sessions, but could be adapted for your needs

CTEC Health and social care Level 3 Unit 3 Exam question booklet
A booklet covering exam questions for LO1- LO4 for unit 3, health safety and security.
A mix of methods for exam questions, from modelled answers, the I, WE, You approach, breakdown with markschemes and some independent questions

Intimate and sexual relationships
Based on the Dfe statutory guidance for RSE
ppt and booklet which covers facts about pregnancy and miscarriage, and choices- keeping the baby, abortion and adoption
I have aimed this at KS4 but could be adapted to other year groups
As a school we have broken down the RSE curriculum with codes- so these will need adapting to for your school curriculum but this is a quick edit

Cambridge technical extended certificate health and social care transition activites
Two ppts for transition from year 11 to year 12, introduction to the coutse activites and a transition summer booklet for students about to start the course

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
Druga, alcohol and tobacco tutor resources based on the DfE statutory guidance for RSE
Covers the law and risks of alcohol consumption, the law and risks of smoking cigarettes, the law and risks of vaping
Includes ppt and booklet
Aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for older/ younger

Contraception choices
A 5 lesson tutor ppt and accompanying booklet, this is aimed at year 9 tutor time but could be adapted to a full lesson for any year group. Covers barrier methods, hormonal methods and natural family planning

Evaluating contraception choices
A set of 5 tutor time resources, ppt and word booklet, which evaluate contraception choices. With case studies and questions.
Aimed at year 10 for tutor time, but could be easily adapted for all appropriate year groups and amended into an hour- 100 minute session

Risky behaviour: Drug and alcohol use
A 5 lesson tutor ppt and accompanying booklet, this is aimed at year 10 tutor time but could be adapted to a full lesson for any year group. Covers risky behaviour associated with drugs and alcohol use

Staying safe on night's out: binge drinking, spiking, drink driving and how to get home safely
A resource designed for year 13 tutor time about staying safe on night’s out. split into information on binge drinking, spiking, drink driving and how to get home safely.
This is split into 4x 30 minute sessions, but could be adapted